
Our service learning partners contribute to our community in many different ways. Below please find an alphabetic list of all of our community partners, along with a description of the work that they do and contact information.

Spring 2024 Partners

Albany International Center / Dual Language Program Parent-Teacher Association (AIC/DLP - PTA)

Website: http://aicdlppta.memberhub.com
Contact: 娜塔莎·豪利特,联合总裁 bermun@alumni.sage.edu 
Address: 纽约州奥尔巴尼拉克街50号邮编12210

The AIC/DLP is a unique school within the Albany Public School district. 它为初到美国的人开设了K-11课程. It is also the home to the dual-language preK–5 program which alternates the language of instruction between English and Spanish weekly; students in this program come from Spanish-speaking and English-speaking families.

AIC/DLP家长教师协会(PTA)致力于支持学校活动,并为整个学校和学校家庭创造社区建设机会. Volunteering with the PTA will provide you with a look behind the scenes at a culturally, 语言和社会经济多样化的学校.

As a volunteer with the PTA you can expect to attend monthly PTA meetings, 要么听对话,要么发展想法, 或者监督一些参加会议的人的孩子(2023-2024年的会议暂定在23年9月20日, 10/18/23, 11/15/23, 12/20/23, 01/17/24, 02/28/24, 03/20/24, 04/17/24, 05/15/24, 06/12/24)从下午5:30/6开始.m. to 7 p.m. (to be confirmed). 我们也会邀请你参加小组委员会会议,帮助组织各种活动或讨论学校和社区安全. 大多数会议都在晚上举行. 我们喜欢帮助制作传单, 在我们的Facebook页面上分享信息,并提出与我们的活动相关的活动.

While speaking multiple languages is not required, it is helpful. 我们学校最常用的语言包括:西班牙语、阿拉伯语、普什图语、波斯语和孟加拉语.


Website: www.albanypal.org
Contact: afterschoolclub@albanypal.org; (518) 435-0392
Address: 844 Madison Ave., Albany, NY 12208

奥尔巴尼警察运动联盟有限公司. 建立青年伙伴关系, 通过合作项目鼓励和培养良好的公民意识,提高奥尔巴尼的生活质量, New York.

奥尔巴尼PAL正在寻求学生的帮助,我们的课后和运动丰富节目. 我们正在寻找积极向上的学生, energetic and compassionate; have the ability to work with diverse populations, are flexible and adapt to priority changes; are reliable and committed; pay attention to detail; enjoy learning new things; strive to produce high quality work; conduct themselves in a professional manner and are very responsible and organized.

Majors/backgrounds which would best fit our volunteers include: education/childhood education; behavioral & social science; social work; healthcare; public health; business administration & management; public policy; and communications. We are open to others joining who may be interested in volunteering at a non-profit organization. The afterschool program structure is 10 months (September‐June) and vacations coincide with the 奥尔巴尼市学校日历.


Website: www.ccrcda.org/agencies-and-programs/catholic-charities-tri-county-services/
Contact: 莎莉·兹戈林斯基,社区服务主任, szgolinski@ccalbany.org, (518) 512-3577 
Address: 201 Academy Street, Rensselaer, NY 12144 (Mailing Address: PO Box 28, Rensselaer, NY 12144)

Catholic Charities Tri-County Services provides basic needs to community members in Rensselaer, 奥尔巴尼和斯克内克塔迪县. 我们的服务包括日托, after-school programs, summer camps, food pantries, soup kitchens, emergency assistance, 免费报税协助, and services to the senior population in Schenectady County. Our service to over 16,我们当地社区的000人对于帮助个人满足食物和稳定住房等基本需求至关重要.

We welcome students to assist at our food pantries located in Troy, Rensselaer and Albany. 所有节目从星期一到星期五上午9点开始.m. - 3 p.m.

Hive of Hope

Website: www.hivealbany.org
Contact: 克里斯蒂娜·帕登,电话:(518)650-8951或 hiveofhope@hivealbany.org 
Address: 纽约奥尔巴尼中央大道161号邮编:12206

Hive of Hope is the place to go for sober entertainment in the Capital Region. It is a safe haven for those committed to living their best life in sobriety. Through fellowship, recreation, exercise, nutrition, and service, those in recovery live more fulfilled lives and help one another overcome addiction. 我们国家的艺术社区中心, known as The Hive, is equipped with a gym, cafe and recreational room. Our mission is to replace the need to use with the desire to contribute.

This is a great placement for students who embrace sobriety or are sober-curious. Students who volunteer with us may assist with member and volunteer intake, cafe operations, event planning, data entry, volunteering with us in the community and assistance at in house activities.

Hope 7 Community Center

Website: www.hopeseven.com

  • To volunteer with the after school programs or for general information: Maggie Hall, Youth Program Coordinator, (518) 272-8029, hope7.margaret@gmail.com
  • To volunteer with the food pantry: Sherri Capparello, Pantry Coordinator, (518) 272-8029, hope7.sherri@gmail.com

Address: 596 Pawling Ave., Troy, NY 12180


  1. Hope 7 has a NYS licensed after school programs at our main office at 596 Pawling Avenue, 星期一到星期五, 2:15 to 6:00 p.m. 在我们的工作人员的监督下,您可以单独或小组地与孩子们一起参加各种活动.
  2. Hope 7 has a Food Pantry which serves an average of 198 families per month. 食品储藏室开放时间:周一至周五,上午9:30 - 11:45.m.; Thursday evenings from 5 to 7 p.m.; and the last Saturday of every month from 9:30 to 11:45 a.m. Opportunities are available to assist with deliveries, stocking shelves and serve clients.


Website: www.lansingburghboysandgirlsclub.com
Contact: 特雷瓦·瑞安,(518)235-4143; lbgc61@yahoo.com 
Address: 纽约州特洛伊市第四大道501号,邮编12182

The Lansingburgh Boys & 女孩俱乐部提供了一个健康的社交环境, educational and recreational programs for boys and girls ages 6 – 18. The Club is open to general members Monday – Friday from 2 – 6 p.m. with the possibility of evening hours during the winter months. 我们的学龄儿童保育计划获得纽约州许可,适用于K - 6年级的儿童. 项目亮点包括游戏室和健身房活动, arts and crafts, computer lab, 家庭作业和零食.


Website: www.lvorc.org/
Contact: 南希·本茨,电话:(518)244-4650或 litvoldirector@aol.com 
Address: 71 1st Street, Troy, NY 12180 (Mailing address: 65 1st Street, Troy, NY 12180)

伦斯勒县的扫盲志愿者通过提供英语在我们的社区中发挥着重要作用, math, financial, and computer literacy instruction to approximately 200 adult learners each year. 通过一群训练有素的志愿导师, 我们为识字水平低的首都地区居民(包括英语学习者(非母语人士))提供一对一和小组辅导。. Our confidential services are provided free of charge to students.

We have a number of opportunities for students at both our Troy and Albany locations. At either location we could use students who can help with: intake of our adult students, 整理资源室, 为低级读者提供程序, 和/或英语学习者(ELL), grant writing, 协调特别活动.


New York State Military Museum – Veteran Oral History Project

Website: http://museum.dmna.ny.gov/
Contact: Jim Gandy, jgandy@nysmm.org 
Address: 61 Lake Ave.纽约州萨拉托加斯普林斯市


How this program works:

  • Contact Jim Gandy at jgandy@nysmm.org 表达对这个项目的兴趣.
  • 吉姆会用电子邮件给你发一套说明, a sample of what the finished product should look like and a catalog record of a veteran. 你还会在YouTube上收到一个口述历史的链接.
  • 你只需准确地记录下所说的话, and by whom, in the interview into a Microsoft Word document or similar; PDFs are not accepted.
  • 完成后,您将收到指示,将完成的Word文档通过电子邮件发送给博物馆.

New York State Museum

Website: www.nysm.nysed.gov/
Contact: Kathryn Weller at kathryn.weller@nysed.gov or (518) 486-3600
NOTE: Please include "Service Learning" in the email subject, otherwise it may not be received
Address: 麦迪逊大道222号,奥尔巴尼,纽约州12230

The New York State Museum hosts school-aged children in our after-school program. 在参加课后活动的时候, 哈德逊河谷的学生在项目中担任学生的导师,并帮助学生完成家庭作业. 该项目工作日从2:30到下午6点.m. We are happy to find a schedule for volunteering that works with your schedule!

Noteworthy Resources (NWR)

Website: www.nwralbany.org
Contact: 志愿者协调员梅根·赫尔利 info.nwralbany@gmail.com
Address: 纽约奥尔巴尼930号百老汇1套房,邮编12207

NWR的使命是通过教育研讨会赋予社区权力,并提供支持性的整体资源, community events, support groups, and skateboarding. We implement mental, emotional, and social support in fun, sober, and creative ways.

We host many community events, mental health meet-ups and programs each month. We are seeking community helpers to volunteer at our events/programs! 我们在NWR的主要志愿者机会之一是在前台为客人办理入住手续. We are open Noon - 8:30 p.m.,每周7天(节假日除外). 每个月的第一个星期六是滑冰聚会,有更多的机会帮助提供信息表, raffles and more.

志愿者将建立社区联系, communication skills, 非营利组织的领导和组织战略, 同时把你在我们公司的工作经历写进简历!

从2024年春天开始, 欢迎积极进取的学生提出自己的工作坊或支援小组(须经批准). 也将有机会与“你是值得的”和“吉芬女神”学校项目一起工作.

除了通过HVCC注册, students will be asked to complete the following registration forms from Noteworthy Resources:

St. Coleman’s Home

Website: www.stcolmans.com
Contact: Sandy Sasso,行为学家和教师,(518)273-4911 ext. 211, sasso9341@gmail.com 
Address: 纽约州沃特弗利特哈斯维尔路11号邮编12189

St. 科尔曼认识到,每个孩子都是一个有自己长处的个体,所有的孩子都需要成功. St. 科尔曼尊重孩子们的个人需求, 营造关怀和治疗的环境, and emphasizes the social, emotional, physical, 以及每个孩子的智力发展. 圣科尔曼有三个项目, 自闭症住院项目, an Autism Day program and an ED (emotionally disturbed) program.

学校早上8点开始上课.m. - 3 p.m. every day. 学生们早上8点15分乘公共汽车到达.m. 他们遵循学校的时间表,在假期和可能的暴风雪中休息(他们会通过电话联系志愿者,让他们知道)。.

Student volunteers can choose a specific program to work with, or they can spend time across all programs; they can spend some time shadowing social workers or physical therapists. Most volunteers enjoy helping students with their classwork, 午餐时和他们聊天, 玩棋类游戏, building social skills, 在体育活动中一起玩耍, making projects or joining stem activities during our vocational classes, 帮助我们的学生完成学校的工作计划, singing, dancing along with our monthly dance parties or our Just Dance activities. HVCC的学生将成为积极的榜样. Anyone who wants to bring an idea for a project, game, or activity to a classroom is welcomed.

Students can complete volunteer hours when the school is open.


Contact: 金伯利·皮瑟,(518)274-5986; kimp@ccalbany.org 
Address: 9th Street and Ingalls Ave., Troy, NY
Mailing address: P.O. Box 1410, Troy, NY 12181

Sunnyside儿童发展中心, 奥尔巴尼教区天主教慈善机构的一个项目, 与儿童和家庭服务办公室签约,为特洛伊市学区的小学生运营一个优势课后计划, kindergarten – 5th grade. 我们正在寻找希望获得经验或有幼儿教育经验并具有数学知识的年轻人, science, 和/或有读写能力的人自愿为我们的项目学生做导师/家庭作业助理,时间为周一至周五下午2:30 - 5:00.m. There are also opportunities to work with the students in our computer, art and recreation rooms.

Unity House of Troy

Website: www.unityhouseny.org/about/
Contact: Catherine P. 伯恩斯,志愿者/实习生协调员,(518)274-2607分机. 4139, cburns@unityhouseny.org 
Address: 纽约州特洛伊市第六大道2431号邮编12180

我们是一家以伦斯勒县为基地的人类服务机构,提供广泛的服务,以满足我们社区中受伤和挣扎的人们的需求. 我们帮助那些生活贫困的人, 患有精神疾病或艾滋病毒/艾滋病的成年人, 家庭暴力受害者, 还有发育迟缓的儿童. 我们努力在我们的社区中实现社会正义,并更好地了解我们所服务的对象.

团结之家的志愿者可以期望通过在食品储藏室工作来为团结之家的使命做出贡献.m. - Noon and 1 – 3:30 p.m.)、Restyle商店(平日上午11点营业).m. - 2 p.m.)或支持假日计划(从11月开始),该计划协调感恩节篮子和玩具驱动. In addition, students can observe the work of case managers with the clients at Unity House.

In addition to registering though HVCC, students must complete a 一般义工申请, a background check form and a 自愿豁免及豁免 在参加联合之家的强制性培训之前. These forms should be submitted ahead of time to c.willis@dienmayhikaru.com他会把他们送到团结之家. 这个三小时的培训在9月11日的那一周进行. 18,2023,算到你的服务时间里. 请在9月9日之前报名参加. 18, 2023年,以便服务学习协调员可以与团结之家合作,选择一个适合所有学生的时间.

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